Update on our Boston Gallery

August 17, 2024
AOG Boston


To our community,


After a wonderful nine years in the South End, Abigail Ogilvy Gallery will close our Boston gallery at the end of September. As many of you know, in 2018 I began splitting my time between Switzerland and the US. Boston has been a home to me for so long that this was a very difficult decision, but a necessary transition so that we can focus our gallery efforts on Los Angeles where our gallery Director, Kaylee Hennessey, has already made a strong impact on the art scene in just one year. We look forward to an exciting year of exhibitions in LA, which will continue to support our model of guest curation while also hosting AOG curated shows with a mix of new and existing artists from our program. 


There is no way to properly summarize the Boston program in the past nine years. I’ve watched so many artists grow and flourish through break out solo shows and curated group exhibitions. The artists at AOG are not only talented and innovative, they are exceptional people – hard working, thoughtful, and kind. The community that has surrounded us over the years has lifted up our artists and brought them to new heights.  I am so grateful for the many people who made our program possible and supported our artists. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Boston is an incredible city with strong institutions and galleries. I look forward to continuing to watch this city thrive from afar. Thank you for being with us all of these years, and we hope to see you in LA!


With gratitude,

Abigail Ogilvy


Photo by Reva Santo. Background artwork by Alanis Forde.


(We are planning an event for the fall to celebrate the Boston gallery, please stay tuned for further details!)


About the author

Abigail Ogilvy

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