
Luke Forsyth is a painter and illustrator living and working in Los Angeles, California. Known for a playful approach, Forsyth enjoys working in an array of colors and mediums. He draws inspiration from the everyday, with subjects ranging from domestic interiors and expansive sweeping landscapes. Forsyth’s newest series of paintings draws from his background in theater to examine the parallels between visual and performing art. Focusing on art and theater institutions as sites of physical activity framed by systems of display, he distills elements from each discipline to expose performance in life and life in performance. Forsyth’s paintings are both stage and tableaux; using stagecraft as physical framing devices, flowers and vessels as performers, texture and color as dialogue and blocking. The works are simultaneously playful, alive, still, and focused - like crystallized set pieces from surrealist plays. Forsyth earned his BFA from Humboldt State University in 2005. His work is included in notable public and private collections including The Cedars-Sinai Collection and the Fidelity Investment Art Collection.

Select Artworks
  • Luke Forsyth, Behind the Veil, 2024
    Behind the Veil, 2024
  • Luke Forsyth, Desert Breeze, 2024
    Desert Breeze, 2024
  • Luke Forsyth, Glass house / stone wall (Butterfly Pot), 2024
    Glass house / stone wall (Butterfly Pot), 2024
  • Luke Forsyth, Lonesome Dove, 2024
    Lonesome Dove, 2024
  • Luke Forsyth, Out of the blue, 2024
    Out of the blue, 2024 Sold
  • Luke Forsyth, Tombstone, 2024
    Tombstone, 2024
  • Luke Forsyth, Yuma, 2024
    Yuma, 2024
  • Luke Forsyth, All the World, 2023
    All the World, 2023
  • Luke Forsyth, Far Away, 2023
    Far Away, 2023
  • Luke Forsyth, Split Landscape (yellow/pink) Black and White Flowers, 2023
    Split Landscape (yellow/pink) Black and White Flowers, 2023 Sold
  • Luke Forsyth, Wild Sky, 2023
    Wild Sky, 2023

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